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Westcountry Schools Trust

Westcountry Schools Trust

Our Team

The Members of the Trust have ultimate responsible for the MAT achieving its charitable objectives. WeST has five members of which no more than one can be a trustee and none can be employees of the Trust. They are ultimately responsible for the MAT achieving its charitable objectives, make sure that the Trust is fulfilling its aims, following its vision and abiding by the law. They agree the Articles of Association and have the power to appoint and remove trustees. 

The Board of Trustees of the Westcountry Schools Trust are the legal governors and trustees of the Trust. The Trust Board will fulfil some of its role through committees each of which will include at least three trustees. Each school within the Trust is expected to have local representation on their respective HABs. The Trust will also nominate lead Trustees for key areas of business such as Safeguarding, Pupil Premium, SEND and Data.

From 1 January 2023 schools in WeST belong to one of four Hubs, as shown below. Each Hub is supported by a Hub Advisory Board (HAB) which serves to provide a connection between the Trustees, schools and their communities.

The Trust Senior Leadership team delivers the strategy of the Board of Trustees and provides leadership and shared support to the schools in the Trust, under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer, Rob Haring. 

Teachers, support staff, trustees, HAB members, parents and pupils all make up Westcountry Schools Trust. The Core Services Team provides support and advice to staff across our schools.